
As a subset of personal injury in the legal system, many lawyers also litigate against abusive nursing homes or assisted living centers. Nursing homes are responsible to take care of their residents, meaning that they provide proper medical care, nutrition, appropriate exercise, and even social activities. Despite the care they are supposed to receive from competent staff members, many elderly people often end up abused or neglected by their caretakers, either intentionally or unintentionally. Family members are the first line of defense for these types of problems, as they can catch different signs of abuse and neglect when they visit their elderly family members who are being housed in a nursing home. If you suspect there has been abuse, it is best to check with a doctor, call the police, and secure a good nursing home abuse attorney for legal counsel and action.

Types of Abuse

Unfortunately, there are actually several types of nursing home abuse that could occur from emotional neglect to near-murder, all of which has been seen around the country in our nursing homes. In St. Louis, MO and surrounding areas alone, there are myriad cases where abuse and neglect have taken place, and the problem only seems to be worsening. Some of the types of abuse may include physical, emotional, medical, or hygienic disregard.

When it comes to physical abuse, there are often instances of choking, overly rough handling, hitting, pushing, and other violent crimes against an elderly person. Emotional abuse happens when the elderly patient is denied family visitation or is neglected by staff members. Medical abuse may happen when staff withholds necessary drugs from an elderly person or when the staff doesn’t check on other medical conditions, as is the case with bed sores. While there are numerous ways abuse and neglect occur in nursing homes, there are also ways to stop it.

Stopping Abuse

Before it is too late, you want to call the police and a doctor who is willing to step out of his/her office to look at an elderly family member. You will also want to consider legal actions. The most important thing you can do is prevent this type of nursing home abuse from happening to anyone else and receiving compensation for medical treatment, pain, and suffering.